Here it comes. Midnight Purple on an R35. I am not personally a fan of purple. It reminds me of my 7th grade English teacher. Her favorite color was purple, and she had the shape of a grape. Everyday she wore purple. When I think of purple, I think of her, and our disagreements with her teaching style. Enough of my own adversions to a color. I prefer red, because red is faster.

In the paint booth. It looks like it should be out of the booth soon.
In the paint booth. It looks like it should be out of the booth soon.
7th grade English teacher.....that was funny! That GT-RR project R35 was painted midnight purple like 2 years ago..... I start to not care about color much anymore, as long as it is not black and it runs 9s and I am happy :)
No one at that 9 second barrier yet. I am sure once the trans gets to working, and one car does it, there will be a flood of 9 second cars.
Yeah the power is already there, once the trans get tuned, it will be a bunch of 9 second cars. Crazy times are coming, a 100% street car that runs 9s! I think all the Mine's power upgrade on race gas is the ultimate, it should run high 9s with the same or better then stock response.
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